A Snack Attack Obsession Confession…

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I have another confession to make…  I’m a bit of a snacker.  There are days when I’d rather munch on snacks than have a real meal.  There, I said it… I feel so much better now.  While I’m at it, I might as well tell you about my new snack attack obsession – Zebra Popcorn with Peanut Butter.  It’s unbelievable!  Try it!  You’ll be happy you did!  I hope your Tuesday has been awesome!


Zebra Popcorn with Peanut Butter


Popped popcorn

White chocolate chips

Milk chocolate chips

Peanut butter


Pop popcorn and spread it on a plate in a single layer (remove unpopped kernels).

Add peanut butter to a bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, remove from microwave and stir.  Microwave in 30 second intervals until melted.  Once melted, pour into a small freezer bag.  Use scissors to clip one corner of bag.  Squeeze and drizzle peanut butter all over popcorn.  Repeat these steps with milk chocolate chips.  Then white chocolate chips.  Done!

Note:  I popped a snack size bag of microwaveable popcorn.  I melted 1 cup each of chocolate chips and peanut butter.  The picture shows the peanut butter drizzle on top but, I don’t know, we’re thinking it might be yummier with the white chocolate drizzle on top.  Decisions!  🙂 Enjoy!


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