A Big Bowl of Comfort

Monday, July 25, 2016

We got some much needed rain here last night.  It’s been a while and, goodness, we certainly welcomed it.  I wrapped up in my fluffy blanket and just listened.  It got me to thinking about comfort food and my Mom’s Vegetable Soup, also known as Hamburger Soup and, my favorite, MawMaw Soup.   It’s warm and hearty and wonderful and the ultimate big bowl of comfort even right here in the dog days of summer.  It was cooking in my kitchen today and it was fabulous!  Try it…  I triple dog dare ya’!  🙂  I hope your Monday is amazing!


My Mom’s Vegetable Soup


8 potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks

12 cups of water

2 tablespoons of butter

1 pound of ground beef, cooked, drained

37 ounces of canned tomato sauce – 🙂 What in the world? (a 29 ounce can, plus an 8 ounce can)

1 can of cream style corn (14.75 ounces)

1 can of sweet peas (15 ounces), do not drain

1 can of sliced carrots (14.5 ounces), drained

Plenty of salt and pepper


Add water, salt, pepper, butter, and chunks of potatoes to a large pot.  Boil potatoes until tender.  Reduce heat to a good simmer.

Open canned carrots and drain.  Once potatoes are cooked tender, add tomato sauce, carrots, and remaining canned vegetables to pot.  Allow to simmer.

Meanwhile, cook and drain ground beef.  Add to pot and allow to simmer until bubbly and heated through.  Taste and add salt accordingly.

(Recipe Source:  My Mom’s Kitchen)

Note:  For the potatoes, 8 is typically my number, but today I decided to live dangerously, and I peeled 9.  Wild, I know!  🙂  The potatoes are so delicious in this soup, so peel as many as you’d like.  My Mom’s original recipe called for a can of stewed tomatoes, but when she noticed our crazy kids were eating around the tomatoes, she made it grandkid friendly and replaced the stewed tomatoes with extra tomato sauce.  Hmm, I’m thinking my brothers and my sister and I had to eat the stewed tomatoes growing up, but I might be wrong. 🙂  It’s a MawMaw Soup thing!  The amount of water you use will determine how brothy your soup is.  I crumble sweet cornbread into my bowl of soup, so I like it extra soupy.  It takes a good amount of salt, so do taste and add accordingly.  Enjoy!


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