The Best Banana Bread Ever

August 6, 2016

IMG_2640I was so excited to bake banana bread today and serve it on the wonderful platter my sister and her family gave me for my birthday.  I love it, and I am so grateful!  It’s beautiful!

I hope I can talk you into trying this delicious banana bread soon.  It’s super easy to make and it’s definitely a hit at my house.  The kitchen smells amazing while it’s baking and, goodness, I just love that.  Every time someone walks through the kitchen I get a “hey, what are you baking?!?!”  It smells that good!  It doesn’t last long at my house either, so I try to grab a slice as soon as it comes out of the oven.  🙂  If you should have this baking in your kitchen soon, be sure and call dibs on the first slice.  You’ll be so glad you did!  Have a really great weekend, everyone!

The Best Banana Bread Ever


1/2 cup butter, softened
1-1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs, well beaten
1 cup mashed bananas (about 3 average sized bananas)
4 tablespoons buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1-3/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Dash baking soda


Cream butter and sugar together.  Add eggs, bananas, buttermilk, and vanilla.  In a separate bowl mix dry ingredients.  Add dry ingredients to banana mixture.  Mix until combined.  Pour batter into greased and floured bread pan and bake at 350 degrees for 50-55 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.  This recipe makes about one large loaf of banana bread.

(Recipe Source:  Chef Mommy)

Note:  I have always had to bake my bread longer than 55 minutes.  After 55 minutes, I cover the dish loosely with foil and return to the oven for 5 minute increments until the center is finally set and toothpick comes out clean.  Enjoy!



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