Ranch Style Bean Casserole… It’s Kid Friendly Cookin’

Just look at this one pan wonder!  Ranch Style Bean Casserole…  It’s one of the most kid friendly meals around.  It’s my Mom’s recipe and was the only dish I knew how to make when I first got married.  I made it a lot!  Thank the Lord Bryan loved it and me!  Look at those cute little spaghettios.  How cool is it that you can buy spaghettios in fun little shapes, too!?!  I do believe I saw Star Wars shapes just the other day.  When my girls were small, we stood in the grocery store staring at spaghettios for what seemed like hours trying to decide what shapes to buy.  We usually ended up with SpongeBob and Princess shapes.  Oh, they were so excited!  Kid friendly meals are the best and this one is quick and simple!  If the kids love it (and your husband loves it), it’s a keeper for sure!

Ranch Style Bean Casserole


1 pound ground beef
1 can original spaghettios in tomato and cheese sauce
1 can Ranch Style Beans
Salt and pepper to taste


Cook and drain ground beef.  Add remaining ingredients.  (I add about 1/8 cup of water, but this is optional).  Let simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes or so.  That’s it!  No really…  that’s it!  Enjoy!  🙂


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