Huevos Rancheros, Birthday Wishes for Bryan, and a Few of His Favorite Things

Sunday, July 31, 2016

IMG_2522 (4)We’re celebrating Bryan’s birthday at our house today and that calls for a few of his favorite things starting with breakfast.  Remember the Crockpot Chile Colorado Burritos?  I repurposed the leftovers and I give you my take on Huevos Rancheros.  Breakfast is Bryan’s favorite meal and this was the perfect way to start a pretty special day.  Later I’ll fill you in on his favorite Tortellini Soup and Banana Pudding – it’s a birthday tradition!  Now, run make those Crockpot Chile Colorado Burritos so you’ll have leftovers for Huevos Rancheros.  🙂  Have an incredible Sunday!

Huevos RancherosIMG_2339


Corn or flour tortillas
Olive Oil
Leftover refried beans from burritos
Leftover stew meat mixture from burritos
Shredded cheddar cheese
1 egg
Salt and pepper
Chunky salsa


Heat oven to 175 degrees to keep everything warm as you go.  Place an oven safe plate in the oven.

Warm the refried beans and stew meat mixture and set aside.

For tortilla:  Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a small pan and place on burner set to medium heat.  Lay tortilla in pan.  Cook until little air pockets form on the surface of the tortilla.  About a minute or so on each side.  Carefully remove plate from the oven.  Place tortilla on the plate and spread a layer of warm refried beans on the tortilla.  Sprinkle cheese.  Spread a layer of stew meat and sauce over tortilla.  Break up chunks of stew meat if necessary.  Sprinkle cheese.  Return to oven to keep warm.

For fried egg:  Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil into a small pan and place on burner set at medium heat.  Crack egg into pan.  Let egg cook in hot olive oil until it reaches the doneness you desire.  A slightly runny consistency works best with this dish.  Carefully remove plate from oven and place fried egg on top.  Actually, your egg should just slide right out of the pan.  Top with salsa.  And there it is!  Your very own Huevos Rancheros!  Enjoy!

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