Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Would you believe it if I told you our air conditioner just kicked on?  No kidding!  So… what do you do on a warm December day in Texas?  You plug in your Christmas lights and then make Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream, of course! 🙂  That’s what we did today and it was fun and fabulous!  A few days ago, we were making warm peppermint cappuccinos and today we’re making Root Beer Floats.  Only in Texas!  I love this Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream.  It takes me back to my childhood when my entire family got together regularly for homemade ice cream parties.  Those were ALWAYS the best times but, I have to say, there is one particular time I remember very well. 🙂  My Mom came across a recipe for an ice cream topping – one that took days to develop – a progressive recipe.  On day one, she added the starter ingredients to a container and added different ingredients on day two, etc.  On ice cream day, she was so excited to open the container and share that beautiful, red ice cream topping with everyone.  So she took the lid off and almost immediately an unmistakable smell permeated the kitchen and everyone fell silent…  That beautiful, red ice cream topping that took days to make had clearly fermented.  And things like that didn’t happen in my Mom’s sweet, Southern kitchen. 🙂  Enjoy this warm December day, everyone!

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream


(This recipe is for a 2 quart ice cream maker.)

2 eggs
1-1/8 cup sugar
2-1/2 cups milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
2-1/4 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt


Mix eggs until frothy.  Add sugar and mix well.  Add remaining ingredients and mix well.  Add mixture to ice cream maker.  Proceed according to the directions for your ice cream maker.  Enjoy!


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